18.2 min read

Elisa Desiderio

Elisa Desiderio has over 15 years of hands-on experience delivering applications to telcos. Through her determined work ethic and collaborative leadership style, she has helped numerous teams navigate complex challenges.

Elisa understands that fostering open communication and employing an innovative spirit is key to any project’s success. Her passionate drive to solve problems and passion for the industry is what inspires those around her on a daily basis.

Find out what truly motivates her constant dedication and commitment to excellence in her work.

Table of contents

Get to know Elisa

Your career at a glance

I started my career in 2007, working as a software developer for a consulting firm serving the telecommunications industry. This gave me valuable early experience working closely with telco clients on various projects.

In 2010, I transitioned to a product vendor company, allowing me to gain a supplier perspective as well as continue focusing on telco customers and their needs.

I further expanded my expertise in 2013 when I accepted an opportunity to relocate abroad and work directly for a telecom provider firm. This immersed me fully in all aspects of the carrier’s operations.

After several successful years as an individual contributor, I was promoted to manager of my team in 2018. In this role, I’ve focused on growing my leadership skills while still utilising my technical knowledge base.

Throughout my career, I’ve steadily increased my responsibilities and broadened my industry understanding. I aim to keep learning and progressing in a way that creates meaningful contributions and a positive impact.

Describe yourself in 3 words

  • Honest
  • Determined
  • Reliable

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in life?

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in your career?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how happy are you today with your life?

Your favourite book?

My favourite book is “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach. I was inspired by the story of a seagull who pushed boundaries and sought mastery through continuous self-improvement and practice rather than conformity.

The book illustrated for me that we don’t have to follow the same paths blazed by others but can forge our journey in a way that allows us to enjoy the process of achieving our aims. It taught me the importance of persevering towards my goals and not limiting myself simply due to traditional norms.

The life lessons demonstrated by the character of Jonathan Livingston Seagull through his dedication to flight instruction have stayed with me. I am still enthralled by the heartfelt message of that book to believe in my abilities and potential.

Your favourite quote?

One of my favourite quotes comes from the wise Jedi master Yoda in Star Wars: “Do or do not. There is no try.”

I’ve always been inspired by this simple yet profoundly impactful message. It reminds me to fully commit myself when taking on new challenges or opportunities rather than holding back out of fear.

Approaching life with a mindset of assuredly doing what needs to be done, as opposed to hesitantly ‘trying’ without conviction, has led to my greatest successes. Yoda’s quote encapsulates for me the importance of decisive action, self-belief, and inner determination.

What childhood passion have you lost in adulthood?

Two childhood passions I sadly don’t have as much time for nowadays due to adulthood responsibilities are reading books and playing the piano. As a kid, I devoured books daily and enjoyed escaping into fictional worlds.

Now with a busy career and lifestyle, I don’t get to read nearly as often for pleasure as I’d like. I also took piano lessons passionately as a child but fell out of regular practice. I miss the calm and joy it brought me to sit down and play.

While I don’t have the same opportunities now, I’m making an effort to incorporate them more where possible for balance.

Which passion or pastime will you never let go of?

Swimming is one activity I hope to always make time for, no matter what life brings. I’ve been an avid swimmer since childhood, and it has truly become my lifelong passion. There is something exceptionally calming and freeing about being in the water. It allows my mind to be fully clear and my body to feel energised.

Your dream of a completely different second career?

If I were to pursue a second career outside my current industry, my dream would be to work as a kindergarten teacher.

I’ve always loved interacting with and educating young children. Their natural sense of curiosity and willingness to learn is so inspiring. Shaping inquisitive young minds by fostering a love of discovery would be highly rewarding. In my work, I’ve found kindergarten to be such a pivotal year of development. To play a role in helping lay those important educational and social foundations would be deeply fulfilling.

I think it would be very gratifying as a second career path.

Cut loose from all strings, what would you like to do with your life?

If I had no limitations or responsibilities holding me back, I’d like to devote significant time to learning a new language as well as social volunteering work around the world. I’ve always been fascinated by different cultures and languages.

I’d also love the chance to use extended breaks from obligations to aid disadvantaged communities through organisations dedicated to such courses. Spreading goodwill globally and experiencing diverse ways of life firsthand are dreams of mine.

“I’m deeply grateful for their acceptance that a meaningful career, in addition to family, make for a balanced and satisfied woman.”

Elisa’s career

Your work motivations?

One of my primary motivations is working for a manager who trusts and supports me to do my job well. Having the backing of leadership to make decisions and set my targets and deadlines within my role is hugely motivating.

When I feel empowered and that my expertise is respected, it gives me the confidence to take ownership and pour my best efforts into projects. I also find motivation in collaborative teams where people support each other's growth.

Your family’s contribution to your career?

My family has contributed tremendously to my career success by consistently supporting my professional pursuits and acknowledging their importance alongside my family responsibilities. They understand the value of work that is challenging and fulfilling, yet also make my happiness and well-being a priority.

With their encouragement, I feel comfortable committing fully to my job duties without guilt. I'm deeply grateful for their acceptance that a meaningful career, in addition to family, make for a balanced and satisfied woman.

The biggest obstacles to career growth in our industry?

As a woman working in a male-dominated industry, some of the biggest obstacles to career growth I've faced relate to persistent unconscious biases. All too often, competencies are minimised, and leadership potential is overlooked based solely on gender rather than qualifications or track record. Skills and achievements are regularly attributed to emotion or luck rather than skill.

Overcoming prejudices requires both individual strength and allies committed to an inclusive culture that judges all employees based on merit alone. There is still work to be done to remove obstacles to career growth so one's vision and talents can truly shine through.

Your biggest obstacles facing the technology industry?

As a woman working in the technology industry, some of the greatest obstacles we continue to face stem from persistent, harmful biases and assumptions based on gender. All too often, valuable contributions and thoughtful solutions are quickly dismissed based on the perception that reactions must be "emotional" rather than logical or data-driven.

Additionally, some incorrectly view life choices like starting a family as proof of an inability to dedicate sufficient time and effort to meet demands. This ignores the reality that women, with the right supportive environment and flexible policies, are fully capable of successfully balancing multiple priorities.

What have you gotten noticed for throughout your career?

Throughout my career so far, there are a few key things I believe I have gotten noticed for:

My structured and committed work ethic. I take the initiative to stay organised, develop detailed plans, and see projects through to completion thoroughly and on time. My commitment to quality work has been valued.

My willingness to take on new challenges. I actively seek out opportunities to learn and contribute in new ways. I am unafraid to step outside my comfort zone to take on additional responsibilities when needed.

My independent work style. I work efficiently with little need for micromanagement. Once given direction and deliverables, I work autonomously while maintaining excellent communication. Managers appreciate professionals who can manage themselves well.

The major accelerators for success in our field?

In the fast-paced, rapidly changing technology industry, there are a few key things that I've found accelerate success:

Being open-minded and embracing change. An unwillingness to evolve is a guarantee of falling behind. We must constantly question assumptions, explore new ideas and partnerships, and adapt to shifting customer demands.

Collaborative teamwork. No one succeeds alone in this field. We need to share knowledge constantly, have each other's backs in problem-solving, and break down silos between teams. Thinking as one united company is critical.

What question do you get asked most often in your line of work?

As a working mother, one question I, unfortunately, get asked more often than I'd like is some variation of "Are you sure you can manage when you have kids to take care of at home?"

While well-intentioned, it communicates the outdated and biased assumption that women with families can't or shouldn't pursue demanding careers. Time and again, I've proven that with the right support system at work and home, mothers can excel in leadership roles.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

One of my favourite aspects of my role is collaborating widely with various stakeholders across different departments. I enjoy being exposed to a variety of perspectives and viewpoints. Bringing people together to solve problems or plan new initiatives in a team environment is highly motivating.

Specifically, I appreciate the daily interactions I have with our technical teams. As someone responsible for requirements gathering and project management, I find it immensely valuable to maintain close relationships with those developing the product or service. Discussing design strategies, troubleshooting challenges, and brainstorming improvements provide great learning opportunities for me. It also helps foster a culture of partnership and transparency.

Staying closely connected to both the business and development sides allows me to understand our work holistically. I believe this well-rounded industry knowledge and network of relationships help me execute my duties most effectively.

Your role models and mentors?

One of my greatest role models and mentors has been a woman I had the good fortune of working with early in my career. She also happened to be my manager at the time but became much more than that — truly a mentor and friend.

Your golden piece of advice to young women starting out in technology

My advice would be don't let others tell you what you can or can't do or become. So many well-meaning people may try to steer you away from technology fields due to outdated perceptions of what careers are best for women. But you have to tune those voices out and follow your path.

Technology is an incredibly broad sector with endless opportunities. There are roles in programming, design, product management, security, and many other areas. Don't get pigeonholed into certain jobs based on your gender. Explore widely to find where your true passions lie.

"There are so many prejudices related to our gender and this leads to the minimisation of our competencies since we are always considered to be too emotional."

What is your leadership style?

My leadership philosophy centres around empowering others and bringing out the best in people through trust and autonomy. I try to hire talented individuals and then get out of their way so they can shine.

Rather than micromanaging, I set clear expectations and objectives but allow room for creativity in how goals are achieved. This gives my team a sense of ownership over their work. I also make myself available as a mentor and sounding board when guidance is wanted.

Which supporting skills have helped you most as a leader?

One of the most valuable supporting skills I've developed that aids my leadership is the ability to connect with diverse individuals and understand different perspectives. Being a mother has significantly enhanced this emotional intelligence.

Through raising my children, I've learned the importance of actively listening without judgment and speaking to others in a way that makes them feel heard and valued.

This has translated into my professional relationships. As a manager, I take the time to understand what motivates each team member and where they're coming from rather than assume one approach works for all. I also set clear goals but give flexibility in work styles and deadlines when needed.

How have you gained commitment from your team?

Building commitment from my team has been aided tremendously by the fact that I was originally part of the group in a technical role before moving into management. My background gave me immediate credibility with the team.

Having performed the day-to-day tasks myself, I truly understand the realities and challenges of the work. I can empathise with concerns or roadblocks in a way an external hire may struggle with. This earns trust and buy-in.

Perhaps most importantly, being a former peer means strong professional relationships were already established. We previously worked as a cohesive unit, so they knew they could rely on me as a leader to have their backs and serve as an advocate at higher levels.

How do you make decisions?

When faced with important decisions, I try to take a fact-based approach grounded in data and realistic facts about our situation. Gathering relevant information from various sources helps ensure I have an accurate and comprehensive picture of the opportunities and limitations involved.

What attracted you to the field of technology?

My fascination with programming and problem-solving from a young age initially attracted me to pursue a career in technology.

There was something deeply satisfying about identifying an issue, breaking it down step-by-step, and designing a program to execute a solution. Seeing my ideas come to life through lines of code gave me a real sense of achievement. I enjoyed puzzling through challenges and testing different approaches until I arrived at optimised designs.

Did you ever think your choices would lead you to the field of technology?

Looking back, I can confidently say I've had a strong inclination and commitment to entering the technology industry since high school. From an early age, I exhibited a deep passion and aptitude for STEM subjects that signaled my true interests and strengths.

How has being a woman affected your career?

Like many women in technology, I've faced some impacts and obstacles related to my gender throughout my career. Early on, there were times I felt my technical opinions carried less weight or had to prove myself more due to preconceptions.

However, facing challenges has also made me stronger. I've learned to advocate for myself and my ideas with confidence. Mentoring others has paid my skills forward. While the effects of implicit biases can't be ignored, I focus on doing my best work every day and letting that speak for me.

Would you recommend a career in technology to young girls?


I wholeheartedly recommend pursuing a career in technology to any young woman considering their options. This dynamic industry offers so much potential for an impactful and rewarding career path.

“Technology is a way of thinking that empowers positive change”

Let’s get technical

Explain the technology that drives your current business.

At the foundation of our business's technology are several enterprise Java applications that have powered our services for over a decade. They integrate with an Oracle relational database for transaction processing and data storage.

More recently, we implemented a cloud-based business process management solution leveraging the Camunda open-source BPM framework. This has streamlined workflows across departments and enabled digital transformation initiatives.

Telephony services are run through a proprietary on-premise system we developed in-house. It facilitates contact centre operations through computer telephony integration.

Our sales and partner-facing services utilise a Software-as-a-Service model through a major vendor's cloud platform for business-to-business functions. This provides scalability and upgrades without resource-intensive maintenance.

By blending legacy stability with agile new technologies, we gain the advantages of both worlds. This hybrid approach allows continuous modernisation at a responsible pace while not disrupting critical services customers rely on. It powers a digital strategy aligned with our long-term business goals.

What is technology for you?

To me, technology encompasses much more than just the latest devices or software programs—it's a way of thinking that empowers positive change.

At its core, technology is about using our expertise, tools, and ingenuity to design innovative solutions to real problems. It's a methodology that combines creativity, engineering skills, and a drive to improve lives through what we build.

What are your views on future technology trends?

I believe one of the most significant technology trends we will see unfold over the coming years is everything transitioning to a services-based, "as-a-service" model where the underlying platforms become largely invisible.

This decoupling of features from devices or delivery mechanisms will have wide-ranging effects. With computing power, storage, analytics, and more delivered seamlessly on-demand via the cloud, users will no longer need to worry about hardware or software management. They can simply access functionality and apps from any internet-connected device.

This shift is already taking shape through cloud services, SaaS applications, and mobile platforms, but I expect it to accelerate rapidly. This transition creates exciting new opportunities for innovation.

In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention and why?

In my view, the greatest technological invention is cloud computing infrastructure. By providing scalable, on-demand access to powerful servers and services over the Internet, the cloud fundamentally changed how organisations utilise technology.

More than any other advancement, the cloud infrastructure model empowered new categories of applications and computing models that have profoundly impacted business and society.

Rate these technologies from highest to least impact on business.

  1. 6G
  2. Blockchain
  3. 3D printing
  4. AI
  5. IoT
  6. Chat GPT
  7. Security
  8. Human-like robots
  9. Social Media
  10. Edge cloud
  11. 5G
  12. Smart concepts (cities, building, ...)
  13. Smartphones

Can technology do good for society, or would it be better off without it? Explain.

Technology has significant potential to benefit society when developed responsibly. It connects people globally, increases access to education, drives productivity gains, improves healthcare outcomes, and boosts sustainability efforts.

Technology amplifies human capabilities by overcoming obstacles like distance, time, and physical limitations. It allows for greater collaboration and sharing of knowledge.

Innovations will continue enhancing lives and livelihoods when prioritising user needs and managing societal impacts. When guided properly, technology can be a powerful force for good.

How do you keep your technology skills up to date?

I continually educate myself by reading tech news and industry publications regularly. This helps me recognise emerging trends, tools, and best practices. I also seek out online tutorials and training when I have time.

Your favourite websites?

WIRED, Computer Weekly, Telecoms.com.

I enjoy WIRED because it covers various topics relating to technology, science, and culture. Computer Weekly is a good source for the latest IT and tech industry updates. Telecoms.com provides in-depth analysis and information on trends in the telecom sector.

They are regularly updated with news, features, and other content that informs me about emerging developments in these fields. The quality of writing and reporting across different subject areas makes these sites a favourite go-to source for topics that interest me.

Your favourite and least favourite technology products?

My favourite technology products are smartphones and IoT devices. I'm a fan of how smartphones allow for constant connectivity and access to information on the go. IoT products that enable smart home capabilities are also favourites as they facilitate automation and make everyday tasks more convenient.

My least favourite technology product would have to be human-like robots. While the technology itself is impressive, I'm not convinced at this point of the need for robots that resemble humans.

The woman behind the technology

What makes each human unique?

Each human is unique due to their experiences, culture, and attitude.

Growing up in a particular culture also influences one's perspectives and behaviours. Each individual's attitude — their outlook, approach, and personality — is formed through their experiences and culture in a singular manner that can't be replicated, making their combination of experiences, culture, and attitude uniquely their own. It is these inherent qualities that make every single human fundamentally unique.

Does success compensate for value or morality?

No, value and morality are more important than success.

While success is desirable and can provide benefits, it does not outweigh or justify compromising one's values or engaging in immoral behaviour. True and lasting success is built on strong principles and ethics rather than just wealth, fame, or achievement alone.

What is the relationship between the mind and the body?

The mind and body have a profound interconnected relationship. What affects one inevitably impacts the other. A healthy, well-cared-for body provides the foundation for an active, engaged mind. When the body is well-rested, nourished with healthy foods, and gets regular exercise, it can better support the mind. This gives us more mental and physical energy to focus, learn, create, and problem-solve.

This or that?

Read the instruction manual

Just figure it out

Early adopter

Proven enthusiast





Fail at something

Never attempt it

Listen to the mind

Listen to the body




Physical book

Flying cars

Personal robots




Phone call

Brainstorming session

Solo research

Packed lunch


Work late

Start early

High Heels
